Public Information

Florida Statute 1002.33 (9)(p) requires that:
Each charter school shall maintain a website that enables the public to obtain information regarding the school; the school’s academic performance; the names of the governing board members; the programs at the school; any management companies, service providers, or education management corporations associated with the school; the school’s annual budget and its annual independent fiscal audit; the school’s grade pursuant to s. 1008.34; and, on a quarterly basis, the minutes of governing board meetings.

Academic Performance
St. Johns Classical Academy’s Academic Performance:

  • 2021 - 2022: SJCA received an 'A' rating

  • 2020 - 2021: SJCA received an 'A' rating

  • 2018 - 2019: SJCA received an 'A' rating

  • 2017 - 2018: SJCA received a 'C' rating

Governing Board Members
Governing board members’ names can be found on our Board of Directors page.

SJCA Programs

  • Classical Education

  • High School Courses Taken in Middle School

  • Honors and Advanced Placement Courses

  • Exceptional Student Education

  • Support for English Learners

  • After School Clubs

  • Competitive Sports

  • Competitive Academy Teams

Affiliations with Management Companies, Service Providers, or Education Management Corporations Associated with the School
St. Johns Classical Academy is managed by Ancora Management, LLC.

Annual School Budget

Annual Independent Fiscal Audits

SJCA Instructional Continuity Plan

SJCA Governing Board Minutes
SJCA Governing Board minutes can be found on our Board of Directors page.

Per Florida Statute 1006.061 Reporting of Child Abuse
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

Per Florida Statute 1006.061 Reporting of Professional Misconduct
Educator Misconduct Brochure​​​​​​​

Workers' Compensation Information
FL Workers' Compensation

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA is a Federal law requiring that the school, with certain exceptions, obtain a parent's/guardian's written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child's educational records. Complete information is available here.

Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
PPRA affords parents of elementary and secondary students certain rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams.

Employee Evaluation System
SJCA uses Elevate Evaluation System for our employee evaluations. This is the same evaluation system that Clay County District Schools use to evaluate their employees.

"Out-of-Field" Teachers
Teachers are occasionally placed in instructional positions for which they have not completed all of the requirements to earn certification from the Florida Department of Education. Teachers, for example, who move from another state, may be listed as out-of-field until their records are reviewed by FLDOE or until they take a Florida certification exam. Teachers who are listed as out-of-field are required to work toward certification according to Department of Education requirements.

All students in the classroom of a teacher who is out-of-field must be notified in writing. If your child is placed in the classroom of a teacher who is listed as out-of-field on the school’s website or in the school’s newsletter, you have the right to request that your child be transferred to an in-field teacher’s classroom who is teaching within the school and grade the student is currently enrolled in the field in which they are certified. 

To make this request, a parent must write a letter addressed and delivered to the school's principal stating their child’s name and grade, the name of the out-of-field teacher, and the subject area for which the teacher is out-of-field.  In this letter, the parent shall request that their child be transferred to an in-field teacher’s classroom in the same grade and school that the child is currently attending. The principal must respond within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed two weeks, if an in-field teacher for that course is employed by the school and if the transfer does not violate the maximum class size according to Florida State Statutes and Constitution. The parent does not have the right to choose a specific teacher.  If the request for transfer is denied, for any reason, the school must notify the parent and specify the reasons for the denial.  (Florida Statute 1012.42)

The list of all out-of-field teachers is listed on SJCA’s website and is updated as soon as teachers are hired and identified as out-of-field. St. Johns Classical Academy recruits and hires the best teachers possible and works to insure that all teachers meet certification requirements for the subject they are teaching as quickly as possible. The complete list is available here.

School Representative
Florida Statute 1002.33 requires each charter school’s governing board to appoint a school representative to facilitate parental involvement with the school, provide access to school information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns about the school, and resolve disputes with the school.
The representative must reside in the school district in which the charter school is located and may be a governing board member, a charter school employee, or an individual contracted to represent the governing board. The SJCA Board of Directors has appointed: Kendra Chaney -

Emailing SJCA
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses and email contents sent to charter school email accounts are public records. Do not send electronic mail to this entity if you do not want your email address and email contents released in response to a public records request. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. (FS 668.6076 Public records status of e-mail addresses; agency website notice.)

Public Records Request


St. John’s Classical Academy is accredited by Cognia. To see our accreditation click here. For more information about Cognia education visit their website here.

Open Enrollment Numbers

Rule 6A-7.0714 requires that: ALL books, e-books, periodicals, and videos be accessible and searchable in digital format via the school website.